Are you a Carer or know someone who might be?

Do you (or someone you know) look after a friend, neighbour, or family member who couldn’t manage alone because of age, frailty, illness, a mental health condition, or addiction? 

If you said yes, you might not realise it, but you are classed as a Carer. Being a Carer doesn’t define who you are, but it does mean you have important legal rights. These could include financial support, practical help, assistive technology, and workplace rights.

Carer Friendly Wiltshire

Forward Carers, commissioned by Wiltshire Council and the Integrated Care Board (ICB), provides the Carer Friendly Wiltshire website. It’s full of free resources and support to help you in your caring role. You’ll find:

  • Online events, groups and 1-1 appointments
  • A Benefits Calculator to check what you might be entitled to 
  • The option to self-refer to local Carer services 
  • A quick way to apply for the Wiltshire Carers ID Card 

Visit to get started. 

Wiltshire Carers ID Card

This free photo ID card is designed by Carers, for Carers. It helps show you’re a verified Carer and can be used: 

  • In healthcare settings 
  • To access free or discounted entry to attractions and businesses 
  • At work, to request support as a working Carer

The card also includes In Case of Emergency (ICE) contact service provided by Wiltshire Council’s 24-hour Contact Team, emergency planning support and gives access to exclusive offers and discounts. 

Once registered, Wiltshire Council will call you to discuss your emergency planning needs. Already have the card? Call 0300 456 0100. to set up your plan. 

How to Apply 

Getting your card is quick and easy: 

  • Ask a friend or family member to help complete the form. 
  • Call Wiltshire Council’s phone advisor for support at 0300 456 0100
  • Visit a library drop-in session for help. 

Extra Help with Technology 

Need digital support? Wiltshire libraries provide free computer access, Wi-Fi, and one-to-one appointments. Accessing computers – Wiltshire Council 

Start making the most of your rights and support today!