Offer a Carer Friendly Discount
We are looking for organisations across Wiltshire to offer a discount, special offer, service or concession to unpaid Carers who show their Carer Friendly ID Card. Show your community you care about Carers and unlock the benefits of attracting thousands of adults in the UK who are in an unpaid caring role. By registering your offer, you will become a member of the Carer Friendly Community for FREE, joining over 400 local and national businesses and providers who benefit from being Carer Friendly.
Carer Friendly Business Benefits
Firstly, there’s no fee for joining, in fact there’s lots of benefits for you.
Register your Carer Friendly discount or support offer and we will add you to the Carer Friendly Offers Directory so Carers can bring their business to you.
You’re free to choose the offer or concession that works for your business, for example:
- A discount on goods or services
- An additional service, e.g., a free hot drink with a meal midweek
- Providing a free meeting space for Carer groups
- Providing a ‘quiet hour’ or calm space
- Including Carers in your usual concession prices
- Free entry (without the person you care for present)
You will also receive FREE support including:
- a welcome pack including a free window sticker showing you are part of the scheme.
- social media and website banners.
- advertising and promotion in our online and printable directory.
- you will receive FREE ongoing support.
- increase your footfall from local and national customers
- entry into the Carer Friendly Business Awards.
You can register your offer or check out the directory of local and national offers below:
What is the Carer Friendly ID Card?
The Carer Friendly ID Card is an official scheme funded by Wiltshire Council to provide ID cards to verified unpaid Carers.
Unpaid Carers are amazing people who provide care for someone who couldn’t manage without them, due to age, frailty, disability, or physical or mental health issues.
1 in 8 adults in the UK are in a caring role and life as an unpaid Carer can be challenging physically, emotionally and financially.
Our award-winning Carer Friendly ID Card provides Carers with verified status and connects them to a wide-range of discounts and benefits upon presentation of their Carer Friendly ID card.